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Thursday, December 17, 2015

Kent still waits a year later... Check his Reece's Rainbow site.

He's a year older... and that much closer to aging out... Kent deserves a FAMILY!  do you SEE your son?

Down's Syndrome isn't "scary"... It's just an extra chromosome... HOWEVER in his country of birth, it's a life sentence of no family, no opportunities, no education, and no HOPE!

PLEASE give to help this little guy find his Momma!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Kent is still looking for his momma.  He has $1,817.00 donated toward to costs of his adoption.  He is a Reese's Rainbow baby.  Kent is 3 yrs old. I've asked for updated photos. Hoping to get them soon.  NOW I need to help him find his momma.

You can check out is profile on Reese's Rainbow.

Here's the link:

Kent just has those "kissable" cheeks... <sigh>  Who's gonna kiss him and claim him as their own??? Praying.