Kent's direct links

I'm an Angel Tree Warrior

Tax Deductible Donations

 photo belowpic-2.png

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Tupperware fundraiser is CLOSED

I was soooo excited about the Tupperware fundraiser I was holding for my boy Kent.

Sad to say; it was a BUST.  Not! One! Single! Order!

Here's Kent's direct links to DONATE.  he has $9 in his Angel Tree Account...   I would sooooo LOVE to see his account grow more. Please check out the links.  Kent is Counting on us. 


<h2>Tax Deductible Donations</h2>


Sunday, November 9, 2014

Tupperware Fundraiser

Kent has a Tupperware fundraiser happening NOW.

There are all KINDS of new items and Tupperware has moved with the times...  There are microwave safe items, cool colors, kitchen utensils and the list goes on...  the BEST thing about Tupperware is it's STILL guaranteed for the life of the product. it's BPA FREE.   and 40% of TOTAL SALES will be added to Kent's Angel Tree funding so his Forever Family will have some help to cover the costs of adopting him and making Kent a part of their family.

To date: Kent has ZERO sales... ZERO... How sad is that?  To me... VERY sad...  I want to be able to REALLY make a difference for this little guy.

Here are some of the super cool, everyone needs these items.

Here's the Link:!twx$eparty_ctl.p_guest_welcome?pv_eparty=60e41884834aa010f194de485a433bdd

A Soup mug, snack cup, Water bottle, Tupper-minis, cereal bowl can be combined to make your personal lunch set.  All of these items are found on Kent's Tupperware Fundraiser.  Take time to click on the link above and Check out his Fundraiser...   It takes a Village to help the kids.
God says in, 
James 1:27 (NIV)
27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.  

Let's help KENT become ONE LESS Orphan... Let's BE his Village. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Down's Syndrome

Kent has Down's Syndrome.  You can tell by how his eyes are more angled than most Asian children.  This is just something that makes Kent special.

What is Down's Syndrome?  It is when one of the chromosomes has an "extra" copy of itself.  It is often called "Trisomy 21" because the 21st pair of chromosomes are the ones usually affected.

People with Down's have some degree of mental retardation, but don't allow that to "scare" you away from My Boy, Kent.  

I have worked with Down's kids when I worked in retail.  They are the SWEETEST kids.  The Down's kids can learn and be taught.  They are as smart as they are challenged...  The kids I worked with were sweet, friendly, listened, followed directions.  And just as cute as can be... Like my Kent.

Kent at last update was receiving therapies, he was learning how to hold his head up, sit, stand and walk.  Most Down's kids meet their milestones with just a little lagging behind their same aged peers...  It all depends on Family and access to programs like "Babies Can't Wait" and getting them into the therapies they need to develop and grow into all their potential.

I know my college I was attending a few years ago had begun an Associate's degree program and there were a few young adults with Down's enrolled.  Driving, holding a job, getting married and having a family and a college education are dreams any family can have for their child... Down's kids can have those SAME dreams and goals...

I am  raising funds for KENT.  He needs a family willing to take on his challenges... There are two ways to help.

1) Is my Tupperware Fundraiser for Kent's Angel Tree fund.  I hope to raise a thousand dollars.  Kent will get 40% of TOTAL Sales.  so if I can sell $2500 in Tupperware products.... Kent's got his funding to help his forever family find him and get him home. 
here is the direct link:!twx$eparty_ctl.p_guest_welcome?pv_eparty=60e41884834aa010f194de485a433bdd

2) His Angel Tree direct donation link.  Donations made thru Paypal should have the 2.5% that Paypal takes out added so he gets the FULL benefit of any direct donations.
Here's that link: 
I Soooo WANT Kent to have his needs met.  Living in an orphanage is living in an orphanage... What Kent NEEDS is a momma.  and Single Moms can apply.

Here's Kent's Reece's Rainbow link:

Saturday, November 1, 2014

An Angel Named Kent

Kent is a small boy born in December of 2011.  I am not sure of the exact date, so I plan to use a date near and dear to my heart... December 9th.

Kent has Downs Syndrome and I am fundraising for him.  Reece's Rainbow has a donation site just for Kent.  He needs OUT of the orphanage and into a FAMILY.
Are  you Kent's "momma"?  Do you see your son smiling back to you?  Can you see this little guy wearing khaki pants, a polo shirt and some docksiders?  I can... Just see the little impish smile he has?  It starts in his eyes and then trickles down to his mouth... I bet he "smiles" ALL over!
Kent has some delays from being in a orphanage.  He has a heart condition called a Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD) that is 6mm. He may need surgery to close the hole between the walls in his heart.  This might heal on it's own.  A cardiologist could tell you more.   Kent has been getting physical therapies to help strengthen his muscles.  Kent enjoys music, being played with, and help by the nannies.   The nannies say he enjoys being talked to.

There are a couple ways you can help me help Kent. one is the Tupperware fundraiser of which his Angel Tree fund will grow by 40% of total sales.  I would LOVE to see Kent have $1300, $2000 or even $2500 in TOTAL sales!  How cool would that be to see his account GROW $520, $800 or even $1000.   This funding would be used to help his forever family bring him home.

Order from the Tupperware fundraiser I am hosting.  40% of total sales goes to Kent's Reece's Rainbow Angel Tree Account.  This fundraiser will last until the 11th of November. Don't delay shopping for your perfect Holiday gifts.!twx$eparty_ctl.p_guest_welcome?pv_eparty=60e41884834aa010f194de485a433bdd

a tax deductible donation directly to his Angel Tree Account will help grow this account. a $35 donation gets  you a decoration with his photo on it.  



Either way you go will help KENT have the funding his family needs to bring him home...